Answered By: Corey Buttram Last Updated: Jul 17, 2023 Views: 1656
Yes and no.
You can use articles from Harvard Business Review (HBR) in your course reserves. You cannot link directly to HBR articles in your course, but you could show your students how to find them in the .
Articles from the Harvard Business Review are available in EBSCO's Business Source Complete. HBR Publishing has a strict license agreement on electronic copies available in the Business Source Complete and does not allow anyone to link to their articles in Business Source Complete. HBR claims that their materials in Business Source Complete are not intended to be used for assigned course materials--this restriction includes linking to HBR materials from Canvas, websites, and course syllabi. In addition to these restrictions, HBR has developed an HBR 500 list. This is a list of the most popular 500 articles from HBR and has requested that these be listed as "read-only" in Business Source Complete. The articles are available to read online but they can't be download or linked to.
The license agreement Harvard Business Publishing has with EBSCO supersedes Fair Use, however Fair Use does apply to the print copy which is why these articles can be used for course reserves.
For more Information on HBR's restrictions...
Please see the statement from the American Library Association's (ALA) Business Reference and User Association's (BRASS) statement on the HBR 500 and the use restrictions. You will also find a list of related news articles.
The above does not include/refer to Harvard Business School Cases. Cases are separate from the journal and must be purchased separately. The library does not subscribe to an HBS Case database.
HBS Cases are indexed in Business Source Complete from 1942 to 2022 if you would like to search for cases related to a specific topic. Because HBS Cases are often purchased as course-specific materials, they are rarely available through Interlibrary Loan.
If you have questions about any of the above, please contact us directly and we'll be glad to help!
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