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Browse Questions & Answers
My username and password are not working.
How can I borrow a computer or hotspot from the library?
Instructions for renewing books, videos, CDs, and other library materials.
How do I search for a book?
Where can I find scholarly articles?
Is the library available for people who are not currently a student of VPCC?
I was having difficulty finding the articles online.
Is there a database where I can search something and it only gives me primary sources? I have to write a history paper and we need to only use primary sources but it is hard to find them online so I didn't know if there is a recommended resource I could use.
There's only an abstract.
I need to find a professional book review for my history class.
Where is the Library Classroom?
I'm an instructor.
- About the Library (26)
- Finding Sources (18)
- Research Help (18)
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- Check Out (1)